By using Udiverse, you are agreeing with these Terms of Service. The Terms of Service can be changed at any time as the team see fit.
Udiverse is only a tool to pick suggestions from user-generated options.
Udiverse comes with no warranty regarding the quality of its suggestions. All parts of the app are subjected to future updates.
Were Udiverse become popular enough, the service might pause temporarily to adjust accordingly.
Do not store in a Udiverse file data that is unique. As Udiverse is still in beta, errors can happen. It is advised to create duplicates from the Google Drive website directly. Duplicates cannot be accessed by Udiverse, as they are created with Google Drive and not Udiverse. Were a Udiverse file end up being corrupted, you could reimport into Udiverse the duplicate. Remember to create another duplicate once the import is done.
Udiverse cannot be held responsible if you input sensitive information in your files. If you really need to, it is suggested you use code words that only you can guess.
Udiverse cannot be held responsible if you have errors or corrupt your data by stepping outside what the User Interface (UI) allows, or if you make use of a loophole in the UI to create such issues.
Udiverse logo is built with Bootstap icons. It is forbidden to use it without having an explicit authorisation by the development team.
It is forbidden to use the Udiverse name, or UdiverseApp name, or any similar name, for a similar or concurrent product.
Udiverse is not an editor or a publisher and does not have the responsibilities of such, as everything is only accessible to the user and no one else. Udiverse hosts no information, it only hosts itself.
Though it cannot be checked, use of Udiverse in the idea of doing anything illegal in your country, or against international laws or Human Rights, or for propagating hate speech or hateful acts, is forbidden.